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Big one month chod retreat – booked out – waiting list
Course language: English , Translation to: Deutsch
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Mahamudra Chod
Venerable Lodrö Rinpoche has been speaking of this Mahamudra Chöd retreat for many years. We are happy that
Rinpoche would like to offer it to his students this year. The course can only be attended as a whole.
We hope to announce more information in the coming weeks.
The requirements are:
-Personal Study of Lam Rim, Graded Path to Enlightenment, Shantidevas Introduction to Bodhisattva Life
-Many years of experience with the Chöd practice of Machig Labdrön Rinpoche, empowerments and retreats
from/with Lodrö Rinpoche.
-A full Annutara Yoga retreat/completed with fire puja on the following Buddha realms:
Tronma Nagmo, Vajrayogini, Cittamani Tara, Heruka Chakrasamvara, Vajrasattva Heruka, Yamanthaka, Gujasamaya, ect.
-Chöd initiation/commentary Schiwa Lamsab, additional Chöd Wensa or Chöd Gyalthang tradition with commentary
-Chöd night retreat according to Schiwa Lamsab, at the end empowerment of Tronma Nagmo according to
Schiwa Lamsab tradition
– A stable mental state is required for a successful 26-day retreat with a group
Rinpoche will not give any introductory explanations. He will delve into specific areas of Chöd practice and the
group will need to practice and meditate on the instructions. There should be plenty of time to meditate deeply,
both with the whole group and in smaller groups, and also in the privacy of individuals.
We’ll be outdoors a lot.
The number of Participants is limited
Please get in direct contact with Lodrö Rinpoche : dharma@ganden.ch regarding your participation or related questions