Boundless Light – Buddha Amithabha Weekend online only
Course language: English , Translation to: Deutsch
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The red Buddha Amithaba (tib. Sange Oepame) is the Buddha of boundless light and symbolizes the spirit that compassionately permeates all realms. He is one of the 5 Adhibuddhas – i.e. the basic forms – and is assigned to the lotus family, or the element of fire. His compassion is without limit, equally directed towards all beings. He is the omniscient Buddha who fully and holistically recognizes all analyses and observations and has thus transformed the cause of ignorance. It is figuratively described that Buddha Amithaba recognizes all phenomena – as if he recognized them individually as stars in the sky.
He liberates the beings of the 6 realms and brings them to his realm “Sukhavati” in the land of bliss, the pure realm of Amithaba – the meditative state of great independence and joy.
These sacred Buddha qualities are present in us humans and can be activated, realized and brought into full consciousness through study, analysis and meditation.
Lodrö Tulku Rinpoche will bring us closer to this goal with this precious empowerment and introduction, so that we are also able to meditate on this precious state and the Sukhavati realm within us and realize the pure state.
We take this experience and realization with us through death into our future lives.
The course takes place online only.
Association membership
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(CHF 84 for the current course)
Event sponsoring
Better situated participants now have the opportunity to support the event as event sponsors. The Ganden Chökhor Association would like to thank all sponsors and helpers who make it possible for us to continue to run the center and to have digital access to Lodro Rinpoche's teachings in these difficult times! Further information...