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Ven. Jigme Trinley Rinpoche


Friday 14. September 2018, 18:00 Uhr - Sunday 16. September 2018, 14:00 Uhr; 2 days
Course language: English , Translation to: Deutsch

Basically, we all want to be happy; fundamentally, we have the ability to love and be loved unconditionally. We also seek greater intelligence and wisdom, which gives us inner resources to deal with suffering negative thoughts and emotions.

Pioneering scientific research over the last 20 years has shown that the brain can be changed by experience and is thus ready for new experiences and exercises. During this retreat, Tulku Jigme Tinley Rinpoche will guide the students into meditation and other related tools to deal with the challenges of life. To find happiness, to understand and transform our mind.

With a unique blend of Eastern and Western perspectives, Rinpoche teaches the ancient wisdom of Tibet in a fresh, interactive and playful-humorous way.


14. September 2018, 18:00
16. September 2018, 14:00


Ganden Chökhor
Pradaschier 20
Churwalden, 7075 Schweiz
+41 76 533 53 57
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