Treasure of precious qualities 3rd part of 3 parts

Ganden Chökhor Pradaschier 20, Churwalden, Schweiz

Jigme Lingpa (1729-1798) is one of the most famous masters of the Nyingma tradition of Tibet. Also known as "Khyentse Özer" ("Rays of Light of Wisdom and Compassion), he was a great scholar and visionary who taught and practiced the Longchen Nyingthik cycle through several visions of Longchenpa, the great master of the 14th century, ... Read more

Meditation Weekend in Churwalden/Pradaschier

Ganden Chökhor Pradaschier 20, Churwalden, Schweiz

With different forms of meditation like sitting, walking, eating and working meditation as well as yoga we practice being aware and mindful. Take a break in the Grisons mountains and come into contact with yourself with the help of various forms of meditation and yoga, listen inside and centre yourself. With guided and silent meditations ... Read more

Great Mandala of Medicine Buddha with 51 companions

Ganden Chökhor Pradaschier 20, Churwalden, Schweiz

The practice of the great Medicine Buddha Mandala is an extensive practice which gives us a deep insight into the world of the lapis lazuli blue healer with his 51 companions. Venerable Lodrö Rinpoche will explain the practice of the Medicine Buddha during 6 days after the practice authorization with the appropriate commentary. At the ... Read more

Sacred Space-Community Yoga and Meditation weekend

Ganden Chökhor Pradaschier 20, Churwalden, Schweiz

Sacred Space - Community Yoga and Meditation weekend  (Churwalden 28-31 March 2019   The yearning to create a sacred practice space that cultivates the warm embrace of community is one of the three foundations of practice in the Buddhist traditions and forms the corner stone for the development of further practice.   The weekend will be ... Read more

Introduction to the life of the Tibetan holy Jetsün Milarepa

Ganden Chökhor Pradaschier 20, Churwalden, Schweiz

Milarepa (1052-1135) has become known as one of the greatest yogis of Tibet. Jetsün Milarepa reached enlightenment in one life. His life story and the "Hundred Thousand Songs" are highlights of Tibetan literature and spiritual thought and are an essential inspiration for practitioners. The Venerable Lama Kunsang will teach us the Milarepa practice, which we ... Read more

Dream Yoga

Ganden Chökhor Pradaschier 20, Churwalden, Schweiz

The course is about experiencing what dream is and how we can transform our dreams. Chamtrul Rinpoche will explain how we can learn to control our dreams and use them as a path. He will also discuss the dream state - as one of the 6 states of consciousness. Rinpoche teaches in a clear and ... Read more

Dependent arising

Ganden Chökhor Pradaschier 20, Churwalden, Schweiz

It is an extraordinary honour and joy for us to welcome the 11th Lelung Rinpoche to Ganden Chökhor. The long line goes back 690 years. The earlier incarnations of Lelung Rinpoche, also known as Jedrung Tulkus, played an important role in the history of Tibet and especially in the development of Buddhism. The Jedrung Tulkus ... Read more

Discover the secrets of Lu Jong – Tibetan Yoga

Ganden Chökhor Pradaschier 20, Churwalden, Schweiz

Inma initiates a teaching cycle (in English) on Tibetan methods. Bliss revealing jewels from the Lu Jong 1: 5 elements, 5 body parts, associated massage and meditation, additional exercises make the prelude. Regardless of our faith or physical condition, anyone can benefit from Lu Jong. The course is intended for beginners. Lu Jong teachers and ... Read more

Mindful compassion

Ganden Chökhor Pradaschier 20, Churwalden, Schweiz

Meditations led by Chöden, with emphasis on meditation on compassion; Explanation of backgrounds of various traditional meditations and their embedding in the CFT; Applications of meditations in clinical everyday life; Development and support of one's own meditation practice; basics for the Buddhist understanding of compassion; pointing out the differences to other mindfulness meditations.

Ascent course Vajrayana

Ganden Chökhor Pradaschier 20, Churwalden, Schweiz

The course of H. E. Kyabgon Dagyab Rinpoche is being redesigned for current health reasons. H. E. Kyabgon Dagyab Rinpoche has to undergo various ocular surgeries at short notice and is therefore unable to carry out the planned inaugurations of the second part of the Bari Lotsawa collection at the end of May 2019. We ... Read more

Schiwa Lamsab Chod Retreat

Ganden Chökhor Pradaschier 20, Churwalden, Schweiz

"Heaven opening initiation" of the Chod practice according to the Schiwa Lamsab tradition The tradition of Schiwa Lamsab/Oral Tradition of Dakini dates back to the 13th century and to Master Jamyang Gonpo, a disciple of Machig Labdrön's son Gyälwa Thondrup. Jamyang Gonpo himself has seen Machig Labdrön in visions several times. This lineage became a ... Read more

Wisdom Dakini Yeshe Tsogyal

Ganden Chökhor Pradaschier 20, Churwalden, Schweiz

Heart Essence Dzogchen Teachings (DZOGCHEN NYINGTHIG) Continuation/Deepening Treasure Texts unveiled by Adzom Paylo Rinpoche YESHE TSOGYAL A Basic Practice of Wisdom Dakini Just recently revealed (Beginners are welcome) Wisdom is the essence of Dakini. Each line of this practice opens a facet of the jewel of their presence. This practice is complete and simple, it ... Read more

The Mandala of the five Dakinis according to Lama Tsültrim Allione

Ganden Chökhor Pradaschier 20, Churwalden, Schweiz

The course introduces the Tibetan Buddhist meditation practice "The Mandala of the Five Dakinis" according to Lama Tsültrim Allione, with the recited and guided version, and conveys the meaning of the Dakini from a female perspective. Deepening the practice of the five dakinis. The course takes place in a relaxed silence with exchange and playful ... Read more

Tsogle Chod Retreat

Ganden Chökhor Pradaschier 20, Churwalden, Schweiz

For the second time Lodrö Rinpoche explains the Tsogle practice in a Chöd retreat. The current Lodrö Rinpoche (6th Tulku) will comment more deeply on the text of his predecessor Lodrö Jampa Temple, the 3rd Lodrö Tulku from the 19th century. It is a shorter practice version - which lasts about 1.5 - 2 hours ... Read more