We need your help

We need your help

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic and the measures taken by the Swiss Government, our revenues have collapsed dramatically, while many of the fixed costs remain more or less at the normal level. Despite rigorous cost-cutting measures, our budget gap is getting bigger every day and cannot be made good by our organisation alone.

Our urgent appeal to all of you: Please support us now with a generous donation and use our online services! With your support we will be able to master these difficult times and secure the future of Ganden Chökhor.

My heartfelt thanks go out to all of you!

President of the Ganden Chökhor Association

[popup_anything id=”32446″] on the current financial situation

You can donate directly by credit card, or PayPal. (Postcard, Twint will follow)

Bank transfer

IBAN: CH78 0070 0110 0036 6929 9, Re: Donation Corona
Ganden Chökhor, Pradaschier 20, 7075 Churwalden,
Zürcher Kantonalbank, 8010 Zürich, Schweiz, Konto 80-151-4

If you would like to be a patron and donate an amount of CHF 3’000 or more, do not hesitate to contact Natascha Keller Gassmann, the president of our association by e-mail.

Video message from Lodrö Tulku Rinpoche

Further ways to support us

Become a member of the association

The Ganden Chökhor Association runs the Ganden Chökhor Centre under the spiritual guidance of Lama Lodrö Rinpoche. The more contributing members we are, the better we can plan and prepare for the unforeseen.
︎➡︎ register

Take an online course now

We are continuously expanding our online course offerings, so that even in times of “social distancing” you can access the Buddhist teachings and follow the instructions of Venerable Lodrö Tulku Rinpoche via live stream.
︎➡︎ view the online courses

Sign up for our autumn events

This gives us more planning security with a view to the second half of the year, by when the situation will hopefully have stabilised itself. If the courses cannot be held in the normal way – attendance in person at the centre -, we will inform you in good time and offer you online participation.
➡︎ view the autumn events

Help raise awareness of friends and acquaintances

Make people in your environment aware of our centre and our course program and recommend us to others.
➡︎ Send recommendation e-mail

Book the Waldhotel Pradaschier

Our beautiful fin-de-siècle hotel in the Swiss mountains can also be booked for private events such as family gatherings, weddings, company retreats or seminars. It offers various breakout rooms and overnight accommodation for 50 to 60 people. Half or full board is available on request and we are happy to cater for your specific dietary needs.
➡︎ learn more about the Waldhotel

You can donate directly by credit card, Postcard, Twint or PayPal.